Potato Camera

Repair Guides for Potatoes

Here I will list all the guides I have for repairing or at least taking apart equipment.

I have taken apart many things, and some of them I have even managed to put back together. Some thoughts before we begin:

  • I will concentrate on uploading stuff that isn't well documented elsewhere. Nobody needs the 300th repair guide to a Barnack Leica.
  • Some things here might only be a snippet to point out a single detail instead of the whole repair guide.
  • Sorry if some of the language seems superfluous, I have no idea how any of this will rank in search engines. Probably under all the blogspam. But I try to include words that could help somebody find the guide.
  • I'm not a camera repair service, or a trained anything. I'm just a person.

The guides

How to take apart the Abrahamsson Rapidwinder

Two ways to extend the life of worn down Leica strap lugs

Stuck levers repair & taking off the faceplate of an Aires TLR

In contrast to my otherwise laissez-faire attitude towards anything in general, I have to include the following serious bit: Information on this page is provided as-is, no guarantee of it being correct. If something breaks or other bad things happen, it was your own fault. Don't do anything you see here if are not sure about what you are doing.